The objective of a process area is to measure product quality early in the lifecycle, to enhance the test strategy and test approach by aligning static testing with dynamic testing, and to use the static testing results and data to optimize the test approach.
Which of the following process areas is concerned with this objective?
Improvement models can have a staged and/or continuous representation. The TMMi has been developed as a staged model. Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding a staged model?
An organization is facing too many defects occurring during production. As a consequence, an important test improvement goals for the next improvement cycle is to improve the quality (effectiveness) of the test cases.
Which of the following specific practices needs to be addressed, in the context of the improvement goal, as part of SG 1 “Perform Test Analysis and Design using Test Design Techniques” of the Test Design and
Execution process area?
The evolutionary testing model (Gelperin and Hetzel) has served as a foundation for historical level differentiation in the
TMMi. The evolutionary testing model describes a number of test phases.
Which of the following phases of the evolutionary testing model is closely aligned with TMMi model level 1 Initial?
Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding relevance of the CMMI model version 2 for testing?
A test organization is trying to implement an improvement goal to develop a quantitative understanding of product quality, as part of the process area Product Quality Evaluation.
Which of the following specific practices needs to be addressed as part of process area 4.2 (Product Quality Evaluation) specific goal 1 Project Goals for Product Quality and their Priorities are Established?
Consider the following characteristics of an assessment:
- the assessment is performed by an accredited TMMi assessor
- only interviews are used for collecting evidence.
To which type of assessment do these characteristics relate?
The three TMMi level 5 process areas, Defect Prevention, Quality Control and Test Process Optimization, all provide support for continuous process improvement.
Which of these process areas is specifically aimed at identifying new testing technologies that may be appropriate and to transition them into the organization?
The three TMMi level 5 process areas. Defect Prevention, Quality Control and Test Process Optimization, all provide support
for continuous process improvement.
Which of the following statements on the relationship between these process areas is correct?