Which of the following does the TOGAF standard describe as a package of functionality defined to meet business needs across an organization?
Which of the following best describes the purpose of the Business Scenarios technique?
In which ADM phase is the Implementation and Migration Plan coordinated with other frameworks?
Consider the following statements:
1. Each contracted party is required to act responsibly to the organization and its stakeholders.
2. All decisions taken, processes used, and their implementation will not be allowed to create unfair advantage to any one particular party.
3. Digital Transformation and operations will be more effective and efficient.
4. Strategic decision-making by C-Level executives and business leaders will be more effective.
Which statements highlight the value and necessity for Architecture Governance to be adopted within organizations?
Complete the sentence. The Requirements Management Phase _____________________.
Which of the following is defined by TOGAF as a representation of a system from the perspective of a related set of concerns?
Which one of the following is recommended to define requirements and articulate the Architecture Vision created in Phase A?
Complete the sentence. According to TOGAF, all of the following are responsibilities of an Architecture Board, except ______________________.
According to the TOGAF standard, which of the following define general rules and guidelines for the use of resources across the enterprise?