The Stock Purchasing (SP) and Point of Sale (POS) applications have the following requirements.
Identify the functions used:
Several functions are outlined within the following scenario for the Internet Application (IA):
From the Names of Possible Functions listed identify the transactional functions for the IA application. Select N/A if a Name of Possible Function does not apply.
Identify the functions used:
The Robot Automation Program (RAP) is an application which allows factory technicians to create and edit the weld placement programs for various robots on the assembly line. Both transactions maintain the Weld Specification and Robot logical files.
The use may select and view reboot details:
The user may print individual welding program details:
From the Names of Possible Functions listed identify the transactional functions for the RAP application. Select N/A if a Name of Possible Functions does not apply.
Identify the functions used:
A transaction file contains records to maintain the Master file. A flag is included on each incoming record to indicate if the Master file record is to be added, changed or deleted. A batch job is developed to process the transaction file. How many transactional functions would be counted?
LIS produces five reports:
• Text Out On Loan
• Text Overdue
• Text With Multiple Hold Requests
• Inventory List
• Text On Order
Determine the complexity of the following functions.
Select the complexity for each function: