P. vivax characteristically displays Schuffner's dots and often enlarged RBCs along with brownish granules. P. vivax can also have 12-24 merozoies in each cell, actually filling the entire RBC. This parasite also has very irreglar shapes often referred to as "Ameboid".
P. falciparum and P. malariae do not display Shuffner's dots, therefore could not be the correct choice.
P. ovale does display Shuffner's dots in all stages, but characteristically has about 8-12 merozoites in rosettes or irregular clusters inside the RBC. Also, P. ovale characteristically shows enlarged, ovoid RBCs with fimbriated edges.
Identify the parasite of a patient with suspected malaria who demonstrates the following findings on a blood smear:
- Enlarged RBCs, some with fine brownish granules
- > 15 parasites in some cells
- Ameboid structures
- Schuffner's dots
Gamma globulin (anti-D) is given to Rh-negative mothers to prevent any D antibody production, which could cause harmful effects in future pregnancies with an Rh-positive fetus. The administered anti-D will bind fetal Rh-positive cells that may come from the fetus in vivo; therefore the mother will not produce anti-D herself, preventing sensitization.
A solution of gamma globulins containing anti-Rh (D) is given to an Rh (D) negative mother to:
Serum amylase and lipase levels may be slightly elevated in chronic pancreatitis, but not diagnostic enough to predict chronic pancreatitis; wheras high levels are found only during acute pancreatitis episodes. In the later stages of chronic pancreatitis, normal to decreased levels of amylase and lipase are caused by the gradual inability of the pancreas to secrete the enzyme
All of the statements below regarding amylase and lipase in pancreatitis are TRUE EXCEPT:
Antidiuretic hormone, or ADH, has the important role of conserving body water by reducing the loss of water in urine by changing the water permeability of the distal tubule and collecting duct. An increase in ADH causes a concentrated urine since the water is retained and absorbed through the permeable membrane. An decrease in ADH causes the collecting ducts to retain very little water, instead it is excreted as urine.
Which of the following action describes the MAJOR property of antidiuretic hormone?
Pluripotential stem cells are ultimately capable of differentiating into all types of leukocytes.
Pluripotential stem cells are capable of producing which of the following: