Serum ferritin is a good indicator of iron deficiency. However, it acts like an acute phase reactant, being elevated in a large number of conditions. Patients who have iron deficiency as well as another condition that elevates serum ferritin levels may therefore have normal or even elevated serum ferritin levels.
Which one of the following statements about serum ferritin are true:
Though it may not be required, TDM should still be used to confirm adequate dosing. Genotyping does not make TDM redundant.
A PM will metabolize the drug more slowly and therefore will need lower doses. CYP2D6 metabolizes many different drugs; it is not associated with just one class of drugs. Anytime a drug is taken that competes for the same metabolizing enzyme as another drug, there is potential for the concentrations of both drugs to be increased.
A patient has been characterized as a CYP2D6 poor metabolizer (PM) after genotyping. Which of the following statements is not true?
Donor and recipient blood samples (samples utilized for pre-transfusion compatibility testing) must be kept for at least 7 days after transfusion. Blood samples must be available to investigate a transfusion reaction, if necessary.
Donor and recipient blood samples must be kept for at least how long after transfusion?
Alkaline phosphatase, or ALP, is present in kidneys, liver, intestines, bone, and the placenta. The liver makes the largest amount of ALP. Some of the conditions associated with increased levels of ALP include: damaged liver cells, rapid bone growth (during puberty), bone diseases, or a disease that affects how much calcium is in the blood (hyperparathyroidism), and vitamin D deficiency.
Isoenzymes of alkaline phosphatase occur in:
Thin-layer chromatography has the advantage of being able to test for a large number of drugs at the same time.
Thin-layer chromatography is particularly useful as a tool in the identification of:
Myoglobin release is strongly associated with muscle damage; therfore, it would most closely match a diagnosis of massive muscle trauma in this question.
Myoglobinuria is MOST likely to be noted in urine specimens from patients with which of the following disorders?
The intended response is "transfusion dimorphism". The microcytic, hypochromic erythrocytes suggests iron deficiency anemia. Interspersed among these cells are normocytic, normochromic erythrocytes suggesting two populations of red cells following transfusion. This was a case of severe iron deficiency treated with red cell transfusions and iron supplement.
The condition most likely associated with the peripheral blood picture in the photograph is:
In excess triglycerides, the triglycerides reduce the amount of cholesterol in LDL particles producing small dense LDL molecules. Because of size and density, these molecules more easily enter damaged endothelium and vessel walls and are more easily incorporated as plaque is formed.
Which statement best describes small dense LDL particles that can occur in atherogenic dyslipidemia?
Malbranchia species share the production of alternate staining arthroconidia as a common feature with the mold form of Coccidioides immitis.
Both Geotrichum species and Trichosporon species produce rectangular-shaped arthroconidia; however, they are regularly rather than alternately staining. Additionally, the arthroconidia of Geotrichum may produce germ tubes from one corner and the arthroconidia of Trichosporon species may produce blastoconidia from adjacent corners, features not shared by either Malbranchia species or Coccidioides immitis.
The hyphae of Microsporum canis, as seen in direct KOH mounts of skin scales, may break up into arthroconidia; however, they are much narrower in dimension and do not share the alternate staining characteristics.
The hyaline saprobic fungus that has microscopic features similar to the mold form of Coccidioides immitis is:
Clostridium difficile is a gram-positive, spore-forming bacilli. The remaining organisms will all stain gram-negative on direct smear or smears made from culture.
Which of the following organisms are gram-positive?