One method of calculating a glomerular filtration rate is using creatinine and urine volume to determine creatinine clearance. The equation is as follows:
Creatinine Clearance = (urine creatinine X urine flow rate) / plasma creatinine; where urine flow rate = volume in mL /24 hours x h/60 min)
In this case = creatinine clearance = 124 X (2200/24 x hour/60) / 2 = 94.7 or 95 ml/min
What is the glomerular filtration rate for a patient with a serum creatinine of 2 mg/dL, if the urine creatinine was 124 mg/dL and the urine volume was 2.2 L/24 hrs?
The area of the federal government that ensures that the laboratory is stocked with gloves for their employees when performing tests on patient blood sample is:
In Rouleaux, red blood cells appear as stacked coins - formation occurs as the result of elevated globulins or fibrinogen.
The RBCs indicated by the arrows in this illustration are the result of:
Match the type of media with the phrase that best describes that media:
1. Differential
2. Selective
3. Enrichment
Leptin signals the hypothalamus that there are changes in fat stores.
Resistin increases insulin resistance and enhances adhesion molecules present on endothelial cells.
IL-6 responds to tissue injury. IL-6 increases insulin resistance by inhibiting insulin receptor signal transduction in liver cells. It also increases other inflammatory cytokines, interleukin-1 (IL-1) and TNF-a, and stimulates the liver to produce C-reactive protein (CRP).
Adipose tissue and liver cells produce angiotensinogen, a precursor of angiotensin II. Besides increasing blood pressure, angiotensin II may stimulate adipose cell formation and thus increase adipose mass.
Which one of the following adipocyte products is an important messenger in metabolism, signaling the hypothalamus that there are changes in fat stores?
The Bethesda assay is used to measure the titer and activity of the antibody present in a patient's sample. Prothrombin time is an initial screening procedure for bleeding disorders and a test used for monitoring anticoagulant therapy. A thrombin time is used to detect heparin interference in an aPTT mixing study. A mixing study is performed to detect the presence of a factor deficiency or coagulation inhibitor, but does not quantify the result.
Which of the following tests is used to quantify a coagulation inhibitor?
Howell-Jolly bodies are composed of DNA, usually left from the nucleus, that appears as a round, dark-staining inclusion in the cytoplasm of red blood cells. Howell-Jolly bodies can be found in various conditions including splenectomy and anemia.
Remnants of erythrocyte nuclei, nuclear fragments, or aggregates of chromosomes are called:
% concentration (expressed as a proportion or ratio) x volume needed = mass of reagent to use
So... 10% (w/v) solution of sodium hydroxide x 200 mL needed = 20 grams of sodium hydroxide
How many grams of sodium hydroxide are required to prepare a 200 ml solution of a 10% (weight per volume) solution? (Atomic weights: Na = 23; 0 = 16; H = 1)
Only non-self antigens can be immunogenic. Self antigens are normally recognized by the immune system as part of the host, so an immune response does not normally occur. Non-self antigens are immunogenic since they have the potential to cause an immune response.
For a substance to be immunogenic it must be:
Match each of the descriptions with the appropriate magnification:
1. Color, Rouleau, Overall Slide Quality, Cell Distribution
2. Platelet estimates RBC-platelet-WBC morphology WBC differential RBC inclusions
3. Select area to examine, WBC estimate