What sits between a browser and an internet connection and alters requests and responses in a way the developer did not intend?
Which secure coding best practice ensures sensitive information is not disclosed in any responses to users, authorized or unauthorized?
Which category classifies identified threats that do not have defenses in place and expose the application to exploits?
Which secure coding best practice ensures sensitive information is not disclosed in any responses to users, authorized or unauthorized?
Which mitigation technique is used to fight against an identity spoofing threat?
Which type of security analysis is performed by injecting malformed data into open interfaces of an executable or running application and is most commonly executed during the testing or deployment phases of the SDLC?
Which secure coding practice involves clearing all local storage as soon as a user logs of for the night and will automatically log a user out after an hour of inactivity?
Which type of security analysis is limited by the fact that a significant time investment of a highly skilled team member is required?
The scrum team decided that before any change can be merged and tested, it must be looked at by the learns lead developer, who will ensure accepted coding patterns are being followed and that the code meets the team's quality standards.
Which category of secure software best practices is the team performing?
In which step of the PASTA threat modeling methodology is vulnerability and exploit analysis performed?