FusionInsight HDmiddle,StreamingWhat are the characteristics of? (multiple choice)
existKafka, which of the following commands can view aTopicHow many partitions are there?
Fusionlnsigt HD an application to completeKerberosSecurity authentication, which of the following options must be used?
(multiple choice)
existFusionInsight HDofHBase, which of the following scenarios will not triggerFlushoperate?
HBasetablerowkeyDesign is a very important development and design link. Suppose there is the following scenario,
The most frequent query scenario is to query the historical call records of each month and half a year based on the mobile phone number. Which of the followingrowkey
Design is optimal?
RedisofLISTData structure, suitable for which of the following scenarios? (multiple choice)
A large-scale production enterprise plans to transform its internal logistics data and sales data into big data. The design department provides data storage
Analysis of the program, which of the following statements are correct?
FusionInsight HD a completeStreaming CQLWhich of the following parts does the application contain at least? (multiple choice)