FusiontnsightHD in which ways can you viewOozieDebug results of the job? (multiple choice)
forN(N>1) copies of stored files,HDFSThe client initiates a read file request, if the read
If the replica node fails, the failure will be returned directly, and it will not be read from other replica nodes.
TowardsHBaseincrease in the clusterRegionServerhost, the original cluster must be stopped first, becauseHBase Dynamic expansion is not supported.
RedisIn cluster mode, useJAVAWhich of the following is a best practice for application development?
FusionInsight HDWhich of the following belong toOozieofMapReduce Actionconfiguration item? (multiple choice)
for running onMapRestoeThe application on the platform, on which this application is basedjarpackage is placed where?
FusionInsight HDin, useStreamingofLinuxWhen submitting a topology in command line mode, you need to
first use a possessedStreamingUser with submit permissionkinitway authentication
existMapReduceIn the development framework,InputFormatWhat is the function of the class?
scountryonnsgtHDWhen developing applications with a secure version, you can usekeytabfile forKerberosinstall
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