Sunflower sea stars help maintain certain kelp forest ecosystems by eating quickly reproducing prey species such as urchins, thus keeping populations low. Without the sea stars, the urchin population explodes, which is bad news for kelp forests and everything in them. Gianl kelp can grow to 150 feet underwater at a speed of two feet a day. but their weaknesses are their holdfasts. which are akin to tree roots. The holdfasts are home to brittle stars, prawns, and snails, among other creatures. Urchins like to eat the kelp holdfasts. Once the holdfasts are gone, the rest of the kelp drifts oft* in the tides. In this way. urchins can destroy the forests, which, higher up. are also home (o fish, including several types of commercially important rockfish,
The passage compares kelp holdfasts to tree roots in order to
Since Gilmore. as a critic, has rarely if ever disliked works that are surprising and unpredictable, he will undoubtedly view this new novel as a (i)_________. since it skillfully (ii)_________conventional expectations.
The inventory of confirmed planets outside our solar system is growing rapidly, although it is_________by the fact that it is easier to detect big planets than small ones and planets close to their parent stars than those farther away.
In sets A and B shown, I < v < y < z. Which of the following statement is about .1 and H must be true? Indicate all such statements.
Economists use two competing models to describe the effects of commercial advertising—advertising as market competition and advertising as market power. The market competition model holds that the fundamental function of advertising is to provide information about products and brands. It is argued that information in ads permits greater marketplace efficiencies, such as lower prices and reduced monopoly power. In a similar vein, much discussion regarding political advertising has rested on its informational value Does political advertising provide political information and help voters make informed decisions'1 Nelson argues that promoting bars of soap in commercial ads is no different than promoting political ideas ideology from political candidates in political ads. on the grounds that information is being distributed m both cases. Others, such as Ferguson and Jamieson, disagree with Nelson's proposition Ferguson, for example, pointed out that choosing a political candidate is more like buying an experience good (where the quality is hard to evaluate prior to purchase) rather than a search good (where the quality is easily evaluated before the purchase). According to Ferguson, claims in political ads do not have true informational value, because it is difficult for voters to draw inferences about the future deeds of a candidate from what the ads say Furthermore. Jamieson argues that political ads reshape the public image of political candidates and change voters' feelings about the candidates with subtle emotional cues but without substantive information upon which to base a reasoned judgment
Which of the following statements, if true, would most clearly weaken Nelson's argument as it is presented in the passage?
Since scientific truths must be discovered, and since many, probably most, are far from (i)_________. Futile investigations are (ii)_________. Thus, the path to the truth is decidedly a (iii)_________one.
Although technically their members were hunter-gatherers, many early Native California communities exhibited traits more typically associated with well-developed agrarian societies and. therefore, are often presented in the ethnographic literature as________.