Consider the following code:
If an attacker can trick a victim user to click a link like this, and the Web application does not validate input, then the victim's browser will pop up an alert showing the users current set of cookies. An attacker can do much more damage, including stealing passwords, resetting your home page, or redirecting the user to another Web site.
What is the countermeasure against XSS scripting?
You went to great lengths to install all the necessary technologies to prevent hacking attacks, such as expensive firewalls, antivirus software, anti-spam systems and intrusion detection/prevention tools in your company's network. You have configured the most secure policies and tightened every device on your network. You are confident that hackers will never be able to gain access to your network with complex security system in place. Your peer, Peter Smith who works at the same department disagrees with you. He says even the best network security technologies cannot prevent hackers gaining access to the network because of presence of "weakest link" in the security chain. What is Peter Smith talking about?
In the context of using PKI, when Sven wishes to send a secret message to Bob, he looks up Bob’s public key in a directory, uses it to encrypt the message before sending it off. Bob then uses his private key to decrypt the message and reads it. No one listening on can decrypt the message.
Anyone can send an encrypted message to Bob but only Bob can read it. Thus, although many people may know Bob’s public key and use it to verify Bob’s signature, they cannot discover Bob’s private key and use it to forge digital signatures.
What does this principle refer to?
Blane is a network security analyst for his company. From an outside IP, Blane performs an XMAS scan using Nmap. Almost every port scanned does not illicit a response. What can he infer from this kind of response?
What command would you type to OS fingerprint a server using the command line?
You are trying to break into a highly classified top-secret mainframe computer with highest security system in place at Merclyn Barley Bank located in Los Angeles. You know that conventional hacking doesn't work in this case, because organizations such as banks are generally tight and secure when it comes to protecting their systems. In other words you are trying to penetrate an otherwise impenetrable system. How would you proceed?
Which of the following is not an effective countermeasure against replay attacks?