Web servers often contain directories that do not need to be indexed. You create a text file with search engine indexing restrictions and place it on the root directory of the Web Server.
User-agent: *
Disallow: /images/
Disallow: /banners/
Disallow: /Forms/
Disallow: /Dictionary/
Disallow: /_borders/
Disallow: /_fpclass/
Disallow: /_overlay/
Disallow: /_private/
Disallow: /_themes/
What is the name of this file?
When an alert rule is matched in a network-based IDS like snort, the IDS does which of the following?
Which of the following conditions must be given to allow a tester to exploit a Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerable web application?
If an attacker's computer sends an IPID of 24333 to a zombie (Idle Scanning) computer on a closed port, what will be the response?
You are performing a port scan with nmap. You are in hurry and conducting the scans at the fastest possible speed. However, you don't want to sacrifice reliability for speed. If stealth is not an issue, what type of scan should you run to get very reliable results?
On a Linux device, which of the following commands will start the Nessus client in the background so that the Nessus server can be configured?
Which NMAP command combination would let a tester scan every TCP port from a class C network that is blocking ICMP with fingerprinting and service detection?