An Adobe Commerce developer wants to completely overwrite _module. less of Orange_Checkout module, in their theme. Where would the developer place the file?
An Adobe commerce developer wants to initialize a JavaScript component using a data attribute. Which option would initialize the JavaScript component?
an Adobe commerce developer wants to override the core Magento Ul library dropdowns in your theme. Which is the correct way to achieve this?
An Adobe Commerce developer wants to override the template assigned to a block named existing, product, block. This relationship is defined in the catalog_product_view. xml layout in the Magento_Catalog module. They cannot simply override the file in their theme, as this change is part of a feature that is being released to the marketplace as a module called "Orange_CustomProduct".
The developer has already created the desired template at app/code/Orange/CustomProduct/view/f rontend/templates/custom-product-block.phtml.
What can they add to app/code/Orange/CustomProduct/view/f rontend/layout/catalog_product_view. xml in their module to accomplish this?