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An Adobe Commerce developer is implementing a sticky sidebar using a jQuery widget. How would the developer initialize the block in a JavaScript file?
Option A
Option B
Option C
Option C is the correct way to initialize a jQuery widget in a JavaScript file. The widget name should be prefixed with “mage” and the options should be passed as an object literal. Option A is incorrect because it uses a dot notation instead of a colon to separate the widget name and the options. Option B is incorrect because it uses a string instead of an object literal to pass the options.
An Adobe Commerce developer has found following code:
After compiling the .less file into a .ess file, what will be the results of the code above?
Option A
Option B
Option C
After compiling the .less file into a .css file, the result of the code above will be option B. This is because the .less file uses a mixin called .animation() that takes two parameters: the name of the animation and the duration. The mixin defines a set of vendor-prefixed properties for the animation and assigns them the values of the parameters. For example:
animation(@name; @duration) { -webkit-animation-name: @name; -webkit-animation-duration: @duration; -moz-animation-name: @name; -moz-animation-duration: @duration; animation-name: @name; animation-duration: @duration; }
When the mixin is called with the values “fade” and “2s”, it will generate the following CSS code:
-webkit-animation-name: fade; -webkit-animation-duration: 2s; -moz-animation-name: fade; -moz-animation-duration: 2s; animation-name: fade; animation-duration: 2s;
Option A is not correct because it does not use the vendor prefixes for the animation properties. Option C is not correct because it uses the wrong values for the animation name and duration. References: [LESS Mixins], [CSS Animations]
Which two steps are required to delete a manually installed theme? (Choose two.)
Remove the theme using the theme:uninstall CLI command
Remove the directory app/design/frontend/
Disable the theme from the backend admin configuration
Remove the theme record from the theme database table
To delete a manually installed theme, the developer needs to remove the theme directory from the app/design/frontend directory and also delete the corresponding record from the theme table in the database. The theme:uninstall CLI command is only used for deleting themes thatare installed as Composer packages. Disabling the theme from the backend admin configuration does not delete the theme files or records, but only makes it unavailable for use. References: [Delete a theme], [theme:uninstall]
An Adobe Commerce developer is working on a custom knockout Ul component and they need to add the text Happy Birthday. to be translated inside an .html template.
How would the developer add the text?
<!-- ko il8n = 'Happy Birthday.' --><!-- /ko -->
To add the text Happy Birthday. to be translated inside an .html template, the developer should use the i18n binding. This binding allows the developer to specify the text as a string literal and translate it using the Magento translation mechanism. For example:
This will render the text as it is, or translate it if a translation file is available for the current locale. The i18n binding can also accept variables or expressions as arguments. For example:
This will render the text with the value of name variable, or translate it if a translation file is available for the current locale. The Mil8n and il8n bindings are not valid and will not work, as they are misspelled and do not match the knockout binding syntax. References: [Knockout bindings], [i18n binding]
An Adobe Commerce developer wants to apply a knockout binding to a
To apply a knockout binding to a
The following solutions are not valid and will not work:
An Adobe Commerce Developer is adding a new page layout to the theme directory within a custom theme. Which file needs to be created to register the new page layout?
To register a new page layout in a custom theme, the developer needs to create a layouts.xml file in the app/design/frontend/
An Adobe Commerce developer needs to create translations for the Orange/custom theme. Which directory would the developer place the translations?
To create translations for a theme, the developer needs to place the translation files in the il8n directory of the theme. The translation files should have the format
An Adobe Commerce developer wants to completely overwrite _module. less of Orange_Checkout module, in their theme. Where would the developer place the file?
To completely overwrite _module.less of Orange_Checkout module in a custom theme, the developer should place the file in the Custom/theme/Orange_Checkout/web/css/source directory. This will override the default _module.less file from the Orange_Checkout module and apply the custom styles to the theme. The Custom/theme/Orange_Checkout/frontend/web/css/_module.less and Custom/theme/web/css/source/Orange_Checkout/_module.less paths are not valid and will not work, as they do not follow the theme structure or the module naming convention. References: [Theme structure], [Module naming convention]
An Adobe commerce developer wants to initialize a JavaScript component using a data attribute. Which option would initialize the JavaScript component?
To initialize a JavaScript component using a data attribute, the developer should use the data-mage-init attribute. This attribute allows the developer to specify the name and configuration of the component in a JSON format. For example:
This will initialize the nav component from the Vendor_Module/js/nav file with the given options. The data-bind and data-init attributes are not valid and will not work, as they are not supported by Magento. References: [JavaScript initialization], [data-mage-init]
an Adobe commerce developer wants to override the core Magento Ul library dropdowns in your theme. Which is the correct way to achieve this?
To override the core Magento UI library dropdowns in a custom theme, the developer needs to create a file named _dropdowns.less in the /web/css/source directory of the theme. This file will override the default _dropdowns.less file from the lib/web/css/source/lib directory and apply the custom styles to the dropdown elements. The lib/web/css/source/_dropdowns.less and /web/css/source/lib/_dropdowns.less files are not valid and will not work, as they do not follow the theme structure or the naming convention. References: [Dropdowns], [Theme structure]
TESTED 30 Mar 2025
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