- The controller uses the Maintain Exam Schedule screen to schedule exams for various courses and subjects.
- The exam serial number from the University Master logical file is entered in the screen. On pressing the Retrieve key, the exam name, controller number, finals week start date and finals week end date efe displayed from the University Master logical file. In addition, exam status, course id, subject id, exam date, start time, end time, proctor and message are displayed from Schedule Information logical file.
- The Add or Modify options allow addition/update to the course id, subject id, exam start date, start time, end time, proctor and message using the exam serial number as the key field. The data in the add/update mode gets saved in the Schedule Information logical file with the 'pending approval' in the exam status, no other data is stored.
- Course id, subject id and exam date pick lists provide data from static tables.
- The exam dates should be within the finals week start and end dates
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