U+ Bank wants to introduce a new group of offers called Credit cards for all customers. As a decisioning consultant, which two valid actions do you create? (Choose Two)
U+ Bank, a retail bank, offers the Standard card, the Rewards card and the Rewards Plus card to its customers. The bank wants to display the banner for the offer that each customer is most likely to click; therefore, their Arbitration uses Propensity from the AI models. If you are debugging the Next-Best-Action decision strategy, which strategy component will show you if the result of the Arbitration is correct?
Next-Best-Action ensures that communication between the business and the customer is__________ and __________ (Choose Two)
Myco, a telecom company, has recently implemented Pega Customer Decision Hub™. Now, the company wants to move away from traditional marketing and leverage the always-on outbound capabilities.
What artifact do you configure to translate the traditional segments used to identify the target audience?