A large corporation has issued the following securities:commercialpaper, first mortgage bonds, and equipment trust certificates Which ranging of the securities is correctly seated from most secure to teas: secure?
Billy owns shares of 143 Financing inc, in a discretionary account. He wants to exercise his right to vote at the company’s annual general meeting, but will be away on a business trip. Who can vote on Billay’s behalf?
Which trend affecting the financialservices industry has resulted inthe significant use ETFs?
According to the Bankof Canada, approximately how many months does ittake for the effect of changes in monetary policy to be feltthrough the whole economy?
TDF Dealer's liability desk purchases 5,000 shares of a stock with a market order at $15 bid, $15.20 ask. The desk later sells the shares with a market order at $15.25 bid, $15.40 ask. What is TDP Dealer's gain on the trades?
The Bank of Canada uses anoperating band to help manage the oversight rate. Howwide is the operating Band?
Keith has a $150,000 term deposit with ABC Trust Company and a $75.000 term depositwithXYZ Trust Company. Both term deposits nave a maturity date of four years and both trust companies are member institutions of the CDIC. How much is Keith cowered for under COIC if both trust companies become insolvent?
Diana was appointed a senior vice president of the ABC inc. She is also a member of the board of XYZ Company where ABC inc, is a % stockholder. What best describes Diana’s insider reporting obligations to the regulator?
Which preferredshare pays a fixed dividend rate based on the yield to maturity on the five-year benchmark Government at Canada bond?