A clinical documentation integrity practitioner (CDIP) identified the need to correct a resident physician's note in a patient health record that wrongly identified the
organism causing the patient's pneumonia. What is best practice for fixing this mistake according to AHIMA?
The clinical documentation integrity practitioner (CDIP) performed a verbal query and then later neglected following up with the provider. How should the CDIP avoid a
compliance risk for this follow up failure according to AHIMA's Guidelines for Achieving a Compliant Query Practice?
A hospital administrator has hired a clinical documentation integrity (CDI) firm to improve its revenue objectives. The physicians object to this action. How should the firm collaborate with physicians to overcome their objections?
Which of the following demonstrates the relative severity and complexity of patient treated in the hospital, and is used to evaluate the financial impact of a hospital's
clinical documentation integrity (CDI) program?
A 94-year-old female patient is admitted with altered mental status and inability to move the left side of her body. She is diagnosed with a cerebral vascular accident with left sided weakness. The patient is ambidextrous, but the physician does not specify the
predominance of the affected side. The default code is
A 56-year-old male patient complains of feeling fatigued, has nausea & vomiting, swelling in both legs. Patient has history of chronic kidney disease (CKD) stage III,
coronary artery disease (CAD) & hypertension (HTN). He is on Lisinopril. Vital signs: BP 160/80, P 84, R 20, T 100.OF. Labs: WBC 11.5 with 76% segs, GFR 45. CXR
showed slight left lower lobe haziness. Patient was admitted for acute kidney injury (AKI) with acute tubular necrosis (ATN). He was scheduled for hemodialysis the
next day. Two days after admission patient started coughing, fever of 101.8F, CXR showed left lower lobe infiltrate, possible pneumonia. Attending physician
documented that patient has pneumonia and ordered Rocephin IV. How should the clinical documentation integrity practitioner (CDIP) interact with the physician to
clarify whether or not the pneumonia is a hospital-acquired condition (HAC)?
The facility has received a clinical validation denial for sepsis. The denial states sepsis is not a clinically valid diagnosis because it does not meet Sepsis-3 criteria. The facility has a policy stating it uses Sepsis-2 criteria. What is the BEST next step?
A 27-year-old male patient presents to the emergency room with crampy, right lower quadrant abdominal pain, a low-grade fever (101° Fahrenheit) and vomiting. The
patient also has a history of type I diabetes mellitus. A complete blood count reveals mild leukocytosis (13,000/microliter). Abdominal ultrasound is ordered, and the
patient is admitted for laparoscopic surgery. The patient is given an injection of neutral protamine Hagedorn insulin, in order to normalize the blood sugar level prior to
surgery. Upon discharge, the attending physician documents "right lower quadrant abdominal pain due to possible acute appendicitis or probable Meckel diverticulitis".
What is the proper sequencing of the principal and secondary diagnoses?
Proposed changes to the inpatient prospective payment system (IPPS) take effect on