Which of the following is an example of a hospital-acquired condition when not present on admission?
For inpatients with a discharge principal diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction, aspirin must be taken within 24 hours of arrival unless a contraindication to aspirin is
documented. How should this be documented in the health record?
Whether or not queries should be kept as a permanent part of the medical record is decided by
In order to best demonstrate the impact of clinical documentation on severity of illness and risk of mortality, which of the following examples is the most effective for
physicians in a hospital?
Which of the following is an appropriate first step to address physicians with low query response rates?
Which of the following is considered a hospital-acquired condition if not present on admission?
A patient is admitted for pneumonia with a WBC of 20,000, respiratory rate 20, heart rate 85, and oral temperature 99.0°. On day 2, sputum cultures reveal positive
results for pseudomonas bacteria. The most appropriate action is to
Which entity has the following regulation?
A medical history and physical examination be completed and documented for each patient no more than 30 days before or 24 hours after admission or registration, but
prior to surgery or a procedure requiring anesthesia services.
A hospital noticed a 30% denial rate in Medicare claims due to lack of clinical documentation, placing the hospital at risk of multiple Medicare violations. What step
should the clinical documentation integrity (CDI) manager take to help avoid future Medicare violations?