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How can you get Sitecore to produce translated URLs
By configuring LinkURIManager to use the item's DisplayName
By setting the URIManager to use the item's DisplayName
By setting the IndexManager to use the item's DisplayName
By setting the LinkManager to use the item's DisplayName
What are some of the features of Sitecore Rocks?
Integration with Visual Studio
Creating and editing items
viewing website file system
List the benefits of participating in the Sitecore Community.
Complete sample modules can be found on the Sitecore Marketplace.
You can get free 24/7 help from hundreds of community members around the globe, including Sitecore employees, Sitecore Certified Developers, and MVPs.
While contributing actively to the Sitecore Community, you can become a Sitecore MVP.
Identify the core binary files of the Sitecore framework
TESTED 22 Jan 2025