‘In principle, CIPS is against the use of XXX labour and believes its long-term elimination is ulti-mately in the best interests of XXX. However, the elimination XXX labour must always be taken in a manner consistent with the best interests of the XXX concerned’. Which word(s) is / are missing here?
Some environmentally-conscious individuals feel that the clearing of rain forest, particularly in In-donesia, has had a catastrophic effect on the local environment. The forest is being cleared to enable a particular oil crop to grow and be harvested. What is this crop which has attracted so much atten-tion?
A XXX YYY - a number of similar items or packages assembled into one batch, usually cube-shaped, often capable of being stacked relatively easily.
Issues of social responsibility can be challenging for organisations operating internationally. The Profex textbook for this subject discusses seven key underlying principles of social responsibility. One of these principles is ‘international norms of XXX’ referring to situations where the law of a country does not provide for adequate environmental or social safeguards. ‘An organisation should as a minimum try to respect international norms of XXX.’ What is the correct word to replace XXX?
XXX are side effects of an activity which affect other people. They can be either positive or nega-tive. Negative XXX include activities by organisations that cause environmental damage, for exam-ple, emission of harmful gases from vehicles, or dumping of chemical waste into the sea. The cost of remedying, where remedies are undertaken, does not fall on the original polluter, but rest with socie-ty at large. What word replaces XXX?
CIPS has created a list of the ten most common CSR issues in supply chains. Which one of the fol-lowing is not on that list?
‘A concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business opera-tions and in their interaction with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis’. What is the European Commission defining here?
‘XXX occurs when productive land is made economically unproductive, for example by large scale deforestation. XXX is caused largely by pressures for subsistence food production, growing com-mercial crops, and meat production in arid and semi-arid areas’
The global distribution company, DHL, is quoted in one of the textbooks for this subject, as saying that they ‘wish our planet to remain habitable for generations to come’, and that they hope to achieve zero emissions by which year?