The Authentication Header (AH) in the context of IPsec has a fixed header portion of 24 bits and a mutable part that can vary, but when considering the fixed structure of the AH itself, the width is typically considered to be 32 bits at its core structure for basic operations in providing integrity and authentication, without confidentiality.References:
TCP flags are used in the header of TCP segments to control the flow of data and to indicate the status of a connection. Valid TCP flags include:
FIN: Finish, used to terminate the connection.
PSH: Push, instructs the receiver to pass the data to the application immediately.
URG: Urgent, indicates that the data contained in the segment should be processed urgently.
RST: Reset, abruptly terminates the connection upon error or other conditions.
SYN: Synchronize, used during the initial handshake to establish a connection.These flags are integral to managing the state and flow of TCP connections.References:
Douglas E. Comer, "Internetworking with TCP/IP Vol.1: Principles, Protocols, and Architecture".