MA5600 supports ADSL2+, which of the following descriptions about ADSL2+ is incorrect?
MA5600T/MA5680T all-in-one package loading method. By tying multiple files into one package file and loading them on the OLT equipment, the upgrade complexity of the OLT equipment can be greatly reduced. Which of the following options cannot be passed through the all-in-one package tool Unified loading?
Which of the following information is the information that Solaris environment variables can provide?
Which of the following modules is not a functional module of the MA5600 SCU main control board?
Is the following description correct? Ethernet technology is a widely used technology, divided according to different transmission rates, there are10M,100M,1000MThree categories, of which10Mversus100MThe common transmission medium of Ethernet is twisted pair, but1000MDue to the high speed of Ethernet, optical fiber must be used as the transmission medium.
In the EPON network, what management and maintenance channel does the OLT use to configure and maintain terminal equipment?
Is the following description correct? In the GPON network, in order to avoid data conflicts and improve network utilization efficiency, the downstream direction adopts TDMA multiple access mode and arbitrates the data transmission of each ONU.