After the FusionlnisghtHD cluster is successfully installed, it is not allowed to modify the configuration of services, roles and instances.
inDGGplatformshelfunder constructioncarryfor? ?Enterprise grouparity ofAccording to management. Data asset management is visualized and supported? ?,? ?Wait. through data? ?, the realization material? ?view visible. Provide data intelligent search and operation?The number of modules to be controlled is ( ).
There are currently 3 racks of a file that needs to be stored in 3 copies. Copy 1 and copy 2 are stored on the same rack as the client and on different servers. According to the HDFS replica placement strategy, it must be stored in other racks.
ElasticSearch's shards index sharding can disperse index data to different nodes.
In the MRS interface, Loader can specify a variety of different data sources, configuration data cleaning and conversion steps, and configure cluster storage systems, etC. .
The Fusionlnsight HD management node provides a dual-machine HA mechanism. After the primary node fails, the primary and secondary nodes need to manually implement Failover.
LdapServer's Group (group) is a unified group management for users. If a user is added to the group, the member's dn record will be added to the nember attribute of the group.
The checkpoint mechanism in Flink continuously draws snapshots of streaming applications. The state snapshots of streaming applications can only be saved in the HDFS file system