The following description about FusionCompute clusters, hosts and virtual machines, which option is incorrect of?
VRMsingle node deployment,FusionComputeThe management interface cannot be opened, and it still cannot be solved once restarteD. What are the possible reasons?
The security management mechanism of the desktop cloud FusionAccess system includes access security, user information security and
And desktop management component security. Which of the following is about user information security? (one)
To ensure the reliability of 0perationCenter, you can deploy the
Operation Center. When a major failure occurs in the data center where the Operationcenter production site is located (such as a major natural
disaster), the disaster recovery site takes over the business to ensure the normal operation of the data center business. Executable sh config in action command to configure production site and disaster recovery site. Which of the following does not execute the sh config command
The result of post-system feedback?
The virtual machine reconstruction feature means that the desktop cloud solution supports the reconstruction of the full replication and linked clone virtual machine system.
disks and restore system disks, so that administrators can perform unified operations on complete replication and linked-clone virtual machines in specific scenarios.
line management and maintenance.
A correct
B. Error
Backing up different components in the FusionAccess system requires different backup settings by which of the following descriptions about the backup settings corresponding to each component is correct? ( many)
ManagerOneOperations, Level 1VDCAdmins manage their ownVDC, cannot manage other levelsVDC
The source platform supported by Rainbow can be x86 architecture or Kunpeng architecture (judgment)
The following description about the specified creation source when applying for EVS in FusionCloud, which option is not correct? (one)
In HuaweiFusionCompute, if the virtual machine and the host are bound, which functions will be affected