The correlation coefficient. also known as the linear correlation coefficient, is used to measure the linear relationship between two variables, which is a real number greater than zero
Regarding the face search service, which of the following statements are correct?
In Huawei Cloud El Enterprise Intelligence, which basic platform services are included? (Multiple Choice)
In May 1997, the famous "Human-Machine Wars" final computer defeated Kasparov, the world chess king, with a total score of 3.5 to 2 5. is this computer called?
A Dark blue
B. Dark green
C. Ponder
D. Blue sky
The word recognition in the speech recognition service refers to the synchronous recognition of short speech. Upload the entire audio at once, and the recognition result will be returned in the response.
Artificial intelligence is a new technical science that studies and develops theories, methods and application systems for simulating, extending and extending human intelligence. It is one of the
core research areas of machine learning.