Regarding the CloudMCU, VP98 series, and VP96 series MCUs, are the following statements correct? ( )
The 96XX series MCUs support different multiviewers for each venue in the same meeting, a feature called ().
The SIP protocol is the session initiation protocol for establishing, controlling, and releasing sessions. ( )
The point-to-point call rate is 2M, if the bandwidth is not reserved, the bandwidth of the main video is close to 2M before sending the dual stream, and after the dual stream is sent, the main video bandwidth
is reduced, and part of the bandwidth is shared with the dual stream. ()
In a video conference, attendees share the whiteboard to another venue, which is done by the H.323 ( ) agreement.
Regarding MCU scheduling multipoint meetings, is the following description correct?
() The message indicates that the request cannot be implemented on any SIP server.