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GMAT Exam Dumps - Admission Tests Graduate Management Admission Test Questions and Answers

Question # 4

Because of the positive correlation across animal species between body size and home range size, researchers suspected that body size of female mallards (a species of duck) may influence their home range size. The researchers also reasoned that younger females may be forced into less suitable habitats by older females competing with them for optimal areas, with the younger females compensating by having larger home ranges. However, their research supported neither suspicion. The failure to detect variation of range size according to body size may be due to other, undetermined mallard attributes (for example, body condition) that may have been a significant factor affecting home range size. The fact that most yearling females can breed may help to explain why the expected age effect was not confirmed, since home range size may be affected by breeding capability.

The researchers did find, however, that home range size of females was Inversely related to the percentage of the study area composed of seasonal or semipermanent wetlands. This may have been because of reduced competition for breeding space within the species when more of the wetlands were present. They also found home range size to decrease somewhat as the percentage of wood-shrub habitat increased, suggesting that reduction in visual contact among mallard pairs may reduce interaction and thus reduce competition among breeding pairs.

Regarding female mallards, which of the following was a finding of the researchers' study described in the passage?



Female mallards in larger home ranges tend to be those that have had greater success at breeding.


Female mallard body size has relatively little if any effect on home range size.


The bodies of larger female mallards tend to be in better condition.


Younger female mallards tend to be forced into less suitable habitat by older female malar ds.


Female mallard body size sometimes influences the birds' home range size.

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Question # 5

Many managers, believing that temporary employees have no commitment to their company, have been concerned that when a large part of the regular work force Is replaced by temporary employees there will be a dilution of company loyalty. This concern can be set aside, however, since temporary employees in fact have as much company loyalty as the regular employees they replace.

Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument above depends?



When regular employees are replaced by temporary employees, there is no diminution in the loyalty of those regular employees who are not replaced.


Replacing regular employees by temporary employees results in no managerial disadvantages other than the risk of diluting company loyalty.


Companies in which regular employees have not been replaced by temporary employees have no higher a level of company loyalty than those In which they have been replaced.


Managers are Incapable of overcoming declines In company loyalty.


The Importance for a manager of preserving company loyalty is greater now than It has ever been before.

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Question # 6

It can be inferred from the passage that if the leaves of a plant were damaged by wind rather than by caterpillars, the parasitic wasps would



not be significantly more attracted to the damaged plant than to other, undamaged plants


not be attracted to the plant until several hours after the damage occurred


be attracted to the plant if it gave off a grassy odor


be attracted to the plant if other plants in its immediate vicinity had also been damaged by the wind


be attracted to the plant even if the damage to the leaves was very minor

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Question # 7

According to the passage, which of the following calls Into question the analysis that uses the concept of structural inertia?



Inside sources of change


The phenomenon of "imprinting"


Theories of managerial resistance


Conservative aspects of organizational culture


The openness of upper management at some firms to more egalitarian practices

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Question # 8

The passage most strongly suggests that the author agrees with which of the following?



There was not significantly less coverage by trees and other vegetation in Victoria after European immigrant settlement than before it.


Average groundwater levels in Victoria probably increased after European immigrant settlement.


Dahlhaus's examination of early cartographic evidence convinced him that European immigrant settlement was a significant factor contributing to soil salinity in Victoria.


The impact of European immigrant settlement on the environment in Victoria does not explain soil salinity there.


The main source of soil salinity in Victoria has been wind and rain transporting salt from the sea.

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Question # 9

According to the passage, Karev's hypothesis suggests which of the following

about people's choices of seating in movie theaters?



They are random.


They are seldom preceded by deliberation.


They depend primarily on habits formed in childhood.


They are primarily affected by variations in visual acuity.


They often function to facilitate processing of certain kinds of information,

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Question # 10

Is the positive integer n even?

(1) The sum of the first n positive Integers is even.

(2) The sum of the first In positive integers is even.



Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (2) atone is not sufficient.


Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (1) alone is not sufficient.


BOTH statements TOGETHER are sufficient, but NEITHER statement ALONE is sufficient.


EACH statement ALONE is sufficient.


Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are NOT sufficient.

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Question # 11

The passage most clearly indicates that which of the following types of evidence

has been cited to support each of the theories mentioned in the first paragraph?



The known historical geographical ranges of Indo-European languages


Statistical calculations of the likely relationships among Indo-European languages


Similarities among the vocabularies of different Indo-European languages


Archaeological evidence suggesting when proto-Indo-European split into

different Indo-European languages


The archeclogically-established migration patterns of ancient peoples who

spoke a language ancestral to all Indo-European languages

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Question # 12

The ornithologist interpreted the ravens' behavior as indicating that they were looking for another bird's food cache of which it did not know its exact location.



of which it did not know its exact location


that they did not know exactly where it was


the exact location of which was unknown to them


and it did not know exactly where it was


which the exact location was unknown to them

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Question # 13

On Monday in Los Angeles, a federal judge prohibitively banned midfreauencv active sonar in the granting of a temporary restraining order because the sound waves could hurt whales.



On Monday in Los Angeles, a federal judge prohibitively banned midfrequency active sonar in the granting of a temporary restraining order


A federal judge in Los Angeles, granting a temporary restraining order, banning the use of midfrequency active sonar on Monday


Granting a temporary restraining order, on Monday, the use of midfrequency active sonar was banned by a federal judge in Los Angeles


Granted a temporary restraining order, midfrequency active sonar was being banned on Monday in Los Angeles by a federal Judge


On Monday, a federal judge in Los Angeles granted a temporary restraining order banning the use of midfrequency active sonar

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Exam Code: GMAT
Exam Name: Graduate Management Admission Test (2022)
Last Update: Mar 28, 2025
Questions: 465
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