Example of methyl xanthine used in the treatment of respiratory complications include:
The side effects of isoniazid are potentialized by deficiency of which vitamin?
All are correct concerning the action of corticosteroids in asthma status, EXCEPT:
When evaluating patients with angina for possible development of nitrate tolerance, true statements include:
I tolerance is rarely associated with isosorbide dinitrate.
II tolerance does not occur in patients who are concurrently on
III tolerance is dependent upon the administration schedule of nitrate medication.
Correct statements concerning vitamin E include:
I- It is a lipid soluble vitamin stored in adipose tissues
II- It is absorbed from the small intestine
III- Widely used in pharmaceutical formulations as antioxidant agent
Dopamine is useful in the treatment of cardiogenic shock because it:
I selectively dilates renal and mesenteric vascular beds.
II does not induce peripheral vasoconstriction.
III decreases the force of myocardial contraction.