Northern Trail Outfitters injects customers into journey B based upon email engagement in journey A.
Which method would facilitate this solution?
Northern Trail Outfitters (NTO) imports a file daily into Marketing Cloud of customers who have bought a tent from their website. They want to set up month-long welcome Journey which sends emails specific to the purchase such as the type of tent, they average accessories for the tent, and care of the tent at different points throughout the Journey. NTO also reorganizes that due to their .. princes, they have had customers purchase more than one tent within a month.
What type of data should be used in the Decision Splits in their Journey to make sure the choices reflect the correct tent?
Northern Trail Outfitters is using Journey Builder to send emails to loyalty members based on recent activity. They anticipate that approximately half of their contacts will meet the entry criteria for their journey.
How should they configure their entry source?
Northern Trail Outfitters wants to have a periodic, dynamic newsletter send to a set data extension, but the data in this data extension will be regularly updated and the subscribers inside could be removed/added multiple times.
What option should speed up the delivery while meeting these criteria?