Russell is a Dealing Representative with Wealth Quest Strategies Ltd., a mutual fund dealer and member of the Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada (MFDA). Russell is developing his website to
include sales content on a Target Date Fund. Which of the following is Russell permitted to include on his website about the Target Date Fund?
i. the asset mix through the life of the fund until the future date
ii. the expected decline in the fund's risk level as the fund reaches its target date
iii. the guaranteed return that the client will receive on the future date
iv. a graphic illustration of the fund's promised growth on target date
Jonathan is a Dealing Representative who has just finished an appointment with his new client, Shirley. Jonathan has concluded that Shirley has a low-risk profile but wants to establish additional savings of $500,000. During their discussion, Shirley emphasizes she wants investments that are also tax efficient. Jonathan learned that currently Shirley has no registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) and tax-free savings account (TFSA) contribution room due to using those opportunities by investmenting elsewhere.
What variable is a PRIMARY consideration for Jonathan when making an investment recommendation?
In which of the following situations would the client mobility exemption apply?
Patrick is a portfolio manager for the HyperTally Growth Fund. It has generated an annualized rate of return of 10% this past year. However, with the anticipation of very high inflation to soon occur, there is also an expectation of higher interest rates. Patrick is concerned about the future returns of existing stocks within the fund. What may Patrick do to protect against the market value of the fund dropping?