Which test approach will best fit a new project, with little documentation and high probability for bugs?
Match each objective to the correct test level
A)Verifying whetherthe functionalandnon-functlonalbehaviorsof the system are as designed andspecified.
B)Verifying whetherthe functionalandnon-functlonalbehaviorsof the interfaces are as designed.
C)Verifying whetherthe functionalandnon-functionalbehaviorsof the components are as designedand specified.
D)Establishing confidence in the quality of the systemas a whole.
Test Level:
1.Component testing.
2.Integration testing.
3.System testing.
4.Acceptance testing.
Consider the following examples of risks identified in different software development projects
[1]. It may not be possible to generate the expected workloads to run performance tests, due to the poor hardware equipment of the machines (load injectors) that should generate these workloads.
[ii]. A user's session on a web application is not invalidated after a certain period of inactivity (configured by the system administrator) of the user,
[iii]. The test team will not have an adequate requirements specification (since many requirements will still be missing) by the time test design and analysis activities should begin according to the test plan.
[IV]. Following a failure, the system is unable to continue to maintain its pre-failure operation and some data becomes corrupted.
Which of the following statements is TRUE?
Given the following review process main activities and specific review activities:
b.Initiate review
c.Issue communication and analysis
d.Fixing and reporting
1.Creating defect reports
2.Estimating effort and timeframe
3.Recording updated status of defects
4.Selecting the people to participate
5.Distributing the work product and other material
6.Evaluating the review findings
Which of the following BEST matches the review process main activities with the appropriate specific review activities?