A Digital Developer is working on a multi-site realm. A new site requires a different layout for the account landing page. The business logic and datamodel remain the same. The existing code is in AccountControl.js and accountlanding.isml in the app_storefront cartridge. The app_storefront cartridge contains code for all other business functions. The cartridge path for the new site is currently int_cybersource:int_paypal:app_storefront.
The Developer creates a new cartridge named app_newsite that contains only the accountlanding.isml template for the new site.
Which modification should be made to the new cartridge path?
A developer is asked to write a log containing the ID and name of the product with a variable named myProduct.
Which snippet of code should be used?
A Digital Developer adds the following line of code to a script.
The code executes without error; however, the log file on disk does NOTcontain the log message.
Which two actions should be completed to write the log message to disk? (Choose two.)
A developer isimplementing new Page Designer content on a merchant's Storefront and adds the line shown below to the setupCsntentSearch function in the searchHelpers.Js file.
What does this achieve?