Explanation: Explanation:
Add Product Name filter that contains the word Avery
Graphical user interface, text, application, email
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Drop the Customer ID to the rows, so these are all customers who have purchased the product contains the word Avery.
Select all these Customers and create a group.
Graphical user interface, text
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Now, right-click on the Customer ID (group) and click on Edit Group
Mark the Include 'Other' Checkbox.
Graphical user interface, text, application
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Now, you have two members in your group. First, one of those who purchased any product contains the word Avery, and the other ones are the rest of the customers.
Remove the Product Name from filters.
Drop the Sales to the Text, and right-click on Sales and Select Quick table calculations -> Percent of total.
Graphical user interface, text, application, chat or text message
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