Which of the following code blocks returns a single-row DataFrame that only has a column corr which shows the Pearson correlation coefficient between columns predError and value in DataFrame
Which of the following code blocks shows the structure of a DataFrame in a tree-like way, containing both column names and types?
Which of the following code blocks returns a DataFrame that has all columns of DataFrame transactionsDf and an additional column predErrorSquared which is the squared value of column
predError in DataFrame transactionsDf?
Which of the following code blocks returns a DataFrame with a single column in which all items in column attributes of DataFrame itemsDf are listed that contain the letter i?
Sample of DataFrame itemsDf:
2.|itemId|itemName |attributes |supplier |
4.|1 |Thick Coat for Walking in the Snow|[blue, winter, cozy] |Sports Company Inc.|
5.|2 |Elegant Outdoors Summer Dress |[red, summer, fresh, cooling]|YetiX |
6.|3 |Outdoors Backpack |[green, summer, travel] |Sports Company Inc.|
The code block shown below should return a single-column DataFrame with a column named consonant_ct that, for each row, shows the number of consonants in column itemName of DataFrame
itemsDf. Choose the answer that correctly fills the blanks in the code block to accomplish this.
DataFrame itemsDf:
2.|itemId|itemName |attributes |supplier |
4.|1 |Thick Coat for Walking in the Snow|[blue, winter, cozy] |Sports Company Inc.|
5.|2 |Elegant Outdoors Summer Dress |[red, summer, fresh, cooling]|YetiX |
6.|3 |Outdoors Backpack |[green, summer, travel] |Sports Company Inc.|
Code block:
itemsDf.select(__1__(__2__(__3__(__4__), "a|e|i|o|u|\s", "")).__5__("consonant_ct"))
The code block displayed below contains multiple errors. The code block should return a DataFrame that contains only columns transactionId, predError, value and storeId of DataFrame
transactionsDf. Find the errors.
Code block:
transactionsDf.select([col(productId), col(f)])
Sample of transactionsDf:
2.|transactionId|predError|value|storeId|productId| f|
4.| 1| 3| 4| 25| 1|null|
5.| 2| 6| 7| 2| 2|null|
6.| 3| 3| null| 25| 3|null|
The code block shown below should set the number of partitions that Spark uses when shuffling data for joins or aggregations to 100. Choose the answer that correctly fills the blanks in the code
block to accomplish this.
__1__.__2__.__3__(__4__, 100)