The following user story has been written:
As a paying hotel guest
I want to see the charges that have been added to my bill
So that I can monitor my expenditure and know In advance how much I will have to pay when I check out
The notes that have been added to It mention that It must be possible for the guest to get a printout of the bill, see It In a variety of currencies and set a flag in the hotel's billing system against any Item that they wish to challenge.
The following acceptance criteria have been defined:
1.The user shall be able to choose from the most commonly-used currencies.
2.The application must be accessible on most mobile platforms as well as on the hotel room's smart TV.
3.The hotel manager must be notified whenever a bill item is flagged by a hotel guest.
4.End-to-end response time for any individual request submitted by a user must not exceed 7 seconds.
Applying the INVEST technique to this user story, including its acceptance criteria, which of the following statements is correct?
The following User story is being developed using the 8DD approach:
As a Purchasing Manager
i want to see a list of all Purchase Orders placed so far this month with their total value
So that I can control the amount of money being spent
Which scenario is BOTH written in correct Gherkin format AND is appropriate for this User Story9
You are defining the test approach for an Agile project that is developing a system that will control traffic lights at busy road junctions based on input from sensors that measure traffic density and flow rates on the roads leading to the junctions. It i s a safety-critical application but. because of the skill and experience of the project team, a risk assessment has determined that its risk level is low.
which option in the table below represents the BEST test approach for this release?
Key to symbols
+♦ (highl y recommended)
+ (recommended)
o (neutial / optional)
- (not recommended) - (not to be used)
Option NumberTest AutomationExploratory Testing(manual) Black-box testing
A unit test should be isolated Which option correctly describes the meaning of 'isolated' as a characteristic of a unit test?
Whenever it is run under the same conditions, it should produce the same results.
Your Agile team is developing a web-based system that will allow users to browse and buy online from a store's shopping catalogue. Continuous Integration has been implemented and technically it is working well, running several times per day, but each run is taking almost as much time as the team is prepared to allow. It is clear that after a few more iterations, as the number of tests needed grows with the product, it will be taking too much time.
Which of the four options contains a pair of solutions that will BOTH help to solve this problem?
a.Only include unit and component integration tests in the automated Cl runs.
b.Schedule low priority tests to be the first ones executed in each run, in order to provide rapid build verification.
c.Reduce the extent to which the automated tests go through the user interface, using technical interfaces instead.
d.Reduce the number of Cl cycles run each day.
e.Select a subset of automated tests for the daytime Cl runs, and run as many of the other tests as possible in an overnight cycle.
**You have been given the following story:
As a shopper
I want to scan my membership card
So that I get all the discounts I’m entitled to receive
Which of the following is the correct use of BDD to design test scenarios?**
Which option below BEST explains the value of a test charter in exploratory testing"5
A new Payroll system calculates the amount of tax that each employee must pay (TaxToPay) on their gross monthly salary (in (), and the net salary (NetSal) that they will receive after that amount of tax has been deducted It also calculates the amounts of tax (TaxPdYTD) and net salary (SalPdYTD) paid in the year to date (YTD) by adding them to the stored amounts from last month (for month 1 these will be zero), inputs Include Employee id (Empid) and Gross Salary this month (GrossSal). Tax Rate is looked up on the key of Employee Id, the amounts of tax and net salary paid in the year to date are looked up on the key of (Employee Id and [month • 1]) except that for month 1 they will be zero.
if both employees were paid the same in month 1 as in the current month 2. for which tax has now to be calculated, which data-driven input and expected output table is correct for this situation?
Table 1
Table 2
Table 3
Table 4
What level of automation testing should be included in the production deployment process when continuous deployment is used?
You are testing a mission-critical system and want to use exploratory testing for part of the testing. According to the syllabus, what is the correlation between this type of testing and the risk level of the item being tested?