A vendor’s HSA access is enforced by a security turnstile they have a logical access-control system that ensures anti pass-back. The device is functioning correctly. When must the status of the access change?
During an assessment you walk the perimeter of the building with a guard you find an emergency exit door from the facility and ask the guard what is on the other side. The guard can’t remember, and so uses their assigned, secure key to open the door and show you a corridor within the facility. What most concerns you about the situation?
Which of the following personnel changes must result in the vendor notifying the Vendor Program Administration (VPA)?
Who is required to approve visitor entry to the HSA or cloud-based provisioning environment?
How frequently must alarms on external doors of a card production and provisioning vendor environment be tested?
After reviewing their completed ROC and AOC, which state that they are compliant, the vendor wishes to be listed on PCI SSC’s list of Compliant Card Vendors. How should you assist them with the listing process?