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ARA-R01 Exam Dumps - Snowflake Certification Questions and Answers

Question # 44

An Architect is designing a pipeline to stream event data into Snowflake using the Snowflake Kafka connector. The Architect’s highest priority is to configure the connector to stream data in the MOST cost-effective manner.

Which of the following is recommended for optimizing the cost associated with the Snowflake Kafka connector?



Utilize a higher Buffer.flush.time in the connector configuration.


Utilize a higher Buffer.size.bytes in the connector configuration.


Utilize a lower Buffer.size.bytes in the connector configuration.


Utilize a lower Buffer.count.records in the connector configuration.

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Question # 45

How can an Architect enable optimal clustering to enhance performance for different access paths on a given table?



Create multiple clustering keys for a table.


Create multiple materialized views with different cluster keys.


Create super projections that will automatically create clustering.


Create a clustering key that contains all columns used in the access paths.

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Question # 46

A table for IOT devices that measures water usage is created. The table quickly becomes large and contains more than 2 billion rows.

The general query patterns for the table are:

1. DeviceId, lOT_timestamp and Customerld are frequently used in the filter predicate for the select statement

2. The columns City and DeviceManuf acturer are often retrieved

3. There is often a count on Uniqueld

Which field(s) should be used for the clustering key?





City and DeviceManuf acturer


Deviceld and Customerld



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Question # 47

A company is trying to Ingest 10 TB of CSV data into a Snowflake table using Snowpipe as part of Its migration from a legacy database platform. The records need to be ingested in the MOST performant and cost-effective way.

How can these requirements be met?



Use ON_ERROR = continue in the copy into command.


Use purge = TRUE in the copy into command.


Use FURGE = FALSE in the copy into command.


Use on error = SKIP_FILE in the copy into command.

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Question # 48

What are characteristics of the use of transactions in Snowflake? (Select TWO).



Explicit transactions can contain DDL, DML, and query statements.


The autocommit setting can be changed inside a stored procedure.


A transaction can be started explicitly by executing a begin work statement and end explicitly by executing a commit work statement.


A transaction can be started explicitly by executing a begin transaction statement and end explicitly by executing an end transaction statement.


Explicit transactions should contain only DML statements and query statements. All DDL statements implicitly commit active transactions.

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Question # 49

Which security, governance, and data protection features require, at a MINIMUM, the Business Critical edition of Snowflake? (Choose two.)



Extended Time Travel (up to 90 days)


Customer-managed encryption keys through Tri-Secret Secure


Periodic rekeying of encrypted data


AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud private connectivity to Snowflake


Federated authentication and SSO

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Question # 50

A Developer is having a performance issue with a Snowflake query. The query receives up to 10 different values for one parameter and then performs an aggregation over the majority of a fact table. It then

joins against a smaller dimension table. This parameter value is selected by the different query users when they execute it during business hours. Both the fact and dimension tables are loaded with new data in an overnight import process.

On a Small or Medium-sized virtual warehouse, the query performs slowly. Performance is acceptable on a size Large or bigger warehouse. However, there is no budget to increase costs. The Developer

needs a recommendation that does not increase compute costs to run this query.

What should the Architect recommend?



Create a task that will run the 10 different variations of the query corresponding to the 10 different parameters before the users come in to work. The query results will then be cached and ready to respond quickly when the users re-issue the query.


Create a task that will run the 10 different variations of the query corresponding to the 10 different parameters before the users come in to work. The task will be scheduled to align with the users' working hours in order to allow the warehouse cache to be used.


Enable the search optimization service on the table. When the users execute the query, the search optimization service will automatically adjust the query execution plan based on the frequently-used parameters.


Create a dedicated size Large warehouse for this particular set of queries. Create a new role that has USAGE permission on this warehouse and has the appropriate read permissions over the fact and dimension tables. Have users switch to this role and use this warehouse when they want to access this data.

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Question # 51

How is the change of local time due to daylight savings time handled in Snowflake tasks? (Choose two.)



A task scheduled in a UTC-based schedule will have no issues with the time changes.


Task schedules can be designed to follow specified or local time zones to accommodate the time changes.


A task will move to a suspended state during the daylight savings time change.


A frequent task execution schedule like minutes may not cause a problem, but will affect the task history.


A task schedule will follow only the specified time and will fail to handle lost or duplicated hours.

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Exam Code: ARA-R01
Exam Name: SnowPro Advanced: Architect Recertification Exam
Last Update: Mar 12, 2025
Questions: 162
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