A plug-in is used to enter the date in your Flutter app interface instead of asking an app user to add it manually.
Which is of the choices below represents this definition?
The image in this question is a part of Flutter app interface which includes four TextFields. When the app user types anything in the password TextField, all the characters in the text field are replaced with stars to hide the user's passworD. To do this, you should add a specific property to the password TextField
Which of the following choices is the property and what property value should one add to the password
TextField widget to get this type of secure input ?
Firebase offers two cloud-based, client-accessible database solutions. Which of the following choices is a Firebase database type?
To configure a CheckboxGroup or a RadioButtonGroup in a Flutter app, first you should set the configurations which are illustrated in the image of this question.
What is the file name which includes these configurations?
The following code is used to add a floating action button to a Flutter app interface.
Which of the following function or method can be used to add an action to this button if the app user tapsthis button?
This Flutter widget is used to toggle the on/off state of a single setting. Which of the following choices represents this definition?
Which of the following property should you use to add a label, icon, and an inline hint text to the TextField widget ?
A floating action button in Flutter development is by default a circular icon button, and you should add the Icon widget as a child widget of FloatingActionButton widget.
Which of the following choices is correct to add a phone icon to the FloatingActionButton widget in a Flutter app ?
Adding a Slider widget in a Flutter app interface should be used to select multiple values at the same