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AD0-E722 Exam Dumps - Adobe Commerce Questions and Answers

Question # 4

A merchant asks for a new category attribute to allow uploading an additional mobile image against categories. The merchant utilizes the content staging and preview feature in Adobe Commerce and wants to schedule and review changes to this new mobile image field.

A developer creates the attribute via a data patch and adds it to view/adminhtml/ui_component/category_f orm. xml. The attribute appears against the category in the main form, but does not appear in the additional form when scheduled updates are made.

To change this attribute when scheduling new category updates, which additional action should the Architect ask the developer to take?



The attribute must have its apply_to field set to "staging" in the data patch file.


The attribute must have true set in the cjt.gopy_for-.xni file under the attributes config' section.


The attribute must also be added to view/adminhtml/ui_co-component/catalogstaging_category_update_form.xml.

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Question # 5

An Adobe Commerce Architect needs to scope a bespoke news section for a merchants Adobe Commerce storefront. The merchant's SEO agency requests that the following URL structure:

news/{date}/{article_url_key}, where {date} is the publication date of the article, and {article_url_key} is the URL key of the article.

The Architect scopes that a news entity type will be created. The date and URL key data will be stored against each record and autogenerated on save. The values will be able to be manually overridden.



The Architect needs to manage routing this functionality and adhere to best practice. Which two options should the Architect consider to meet these requirements? (Choose two.)


Create a standard controller route and mapping the internal URLs (such as news/article/view/id/i) to rewrites that are generated on save and then stored in the URL rewrites table.


Create a custom router that runs before the standard router and matches the news portion of the URL, then looks for and loads a news article by matching the date and URL key parts of the URL


Create a plugin that intercepts Magento\Framework\App\Action: :(), looks for the news portion of the URL, and if it matches, loads the relevant news article by matching the URL date and URL key parts.


Create a standard controller route and an index/index controller class that loads the relevant news article by matching the URL date and URL key parts.

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Question # 6

An Adobe Commerce Architect is asked by a merchant using B2B features to help with a configuration issue.

The Architect creates a test Company Account and wants to create Approval Rules for orders. The Approval Rules tab does not appear in the Company section in the Customer Account Menu when the Architect logs in using the Company Administrator account.

Which two steps must be taken to fix this issue? (Choose two.)



Set 'Enable B2B Quote’ in the B2B Admin to TRUE


Merchant needs to log out of frontend and then log back in to load new permissions


Set 'Enable Purchase Orders' in the B2B Admin to TRUE


Set 'Enable Purchase Orders' on the Company Record to TRUE


Make sure that the 'Purchase Order' payment method is active

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Question # 7

A merchant notices that product price changes do not update on the storefront.

The index management page in the Adobe Commerce Admin Panel shows the following:

• All indexes are set to 'update by schedule'

• Their status is 'ready'

• There are no items in the backlog

• The indexes were last updated 1 minute ago

A developer verifies that updating and saving product prices adds the relevant product IDs into the catalog_product_price_cl changelog table. Which two steps should the Architect recommend to the developer to resolve this issue? (Choose two.)



Reduce the frequency of the cron job to 5 minutes so the items have more time to process.


Make sure that no custom or third-party modules modify the changelog and indexing process.


Make sure that the version_id for the price indexer in the mview_state table is not higher than the last entry for the same column in the changelog table and re-synchronize.


Invalidate the catalog_Product_price indexer in the Adobe Commerce Admin Panel so that it is fully reindexed next time the cron runs.


Manually reindex the catalog_product_price index from the command line: bin/magento indexer:reindex catalog_product_price.

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Question # 8

A client has multiple warehouses where orders can be fulfilled. The cost of shipping goods from each warehouse varies by day, due to the number of workers available. The Architect needs to make sure that when an order is shipped, it is shipped from the lowest cost warehouse that is open.

How should this functionality be implemented?



Create anew class as a preference for Magento\inventoryShipping\piugin\Sales\shipment\AssignSourceCodeToShipmentPlugin to set the lowest-cost warehouse on a shipment.


Create a new class implementing Magento\invtntorysourceSelectionApi\Modei\sourceSelectioninterfacece. which returns open warehouses sorted by cost.


Create an after plugin OnHagento\InventoryDistanceBasedSourceSelection\Hodel\Algorithms\DistanceBasedAlgorithto sortto Warehouse sources by cost

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Question # 9

An Adobe Commerce Architect notices that the product price index takes too long to execute. The store is configured with multiple websites and dozens of customer groups.

Which two ways can the Architect shorten the full price index execution time? (Choose two.)



Set mage_ihdexer_threads_COUNT environment variable to enable parallel mode


Move catalog_Price_index indexer to another custom indexer group


Enable price index customer group merging for products without tier prices


Set Customer Share Customer Accounts Option to Global


Edit customer groups to exclude websites that they are not using

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Question # 10

An Architect is investigating a deployment issue with a server that is configured to work under the symlink directory /var/www/current, which lead to the latest released version of the application.

The deployment process performs the following steps:

After the last deployment, the merchant reported that the Adobe Commerce Import/Export functionality to export Customer Main File data is not working. The Architect discovered that the export file is not shown in the list of generated files.

Which change to the deployment process should be performed to solve this issue?



Restart the consumer process during deployment to use the directory with a new application version for export files.


Execute Command config:set export/customr/files_directory /var/releases/{release_nunber} toSet the new export path.


Doable Crontab before deployment and re-launch after deployment.

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Question # 11

An existing Adobe Commerce website is moving to a headless implementation.

The existing website features an "All Brands'' page, as well as individual pages for each brand. All brand-related pages are cached in Varnish using tags in the same manner as products and categories.

Two new GraphQL queries have been created to make this information available to the frontend for the new headless implementation:

During testing, the queries sometimes return out-of-date information. How should this problem be solved while maintaining performance?



Specify a @cacgecacheable(cacheable: false) directive for each GraphQL query, making sure that the data returned is not cached, and is up to date


Specify a $cache(cacheidentity: Path\\To\\identityclass) directive for each GraphQL query, corresponding to a class that adds cache tags for relevant brands and associated products


Each GraphQL query's resolver class should inject \Magento\GraphQlcache\Model\cacheableQuery and call setcachevalidity(true) on it as part of the resolver's resolve function.

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Question # 12

A company wants to build an Adobe Commerce website to sell their products to customers in their country. The taxes in their country are highly complex and require customization to Adobe Commerce. An Architect is trying to solve this problem by creating a custom tax calculator that will handle the calculation of taxes for all orders in Adobe Commerce.

Following best practices, how should the Architect add the taxes for all orders?



Add a new observer to the event sales.quote.collecLtotals.before'' and add the custom tax to the quote


Write a before plugin to \Magento\Quote\Model\QuoteManagement::placeOrder() and add the custom tax to the quote


Declare a new total collector in "etc/sales.xmr in a custom module

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Question # 13

An Adobe Commerce Architect creates a stopword for the Italian locale named stopwordsjtJT.csv and changes the stopword directory to the following: /app/code/Custo«vendor/Elasticsearch/etc/stopwords/

What is the correct approach to change the stopwords directory inside the custom module?



Add stopwords to the stopwordsDirectory and CustomerVendor_Elasticsearch to the stopword sModule parameter Of the \Magento\Elasticsearch\SearchAdapter\Query\Preprocessor\Stopwords ClflSS Via di.xml


Add a new ClaSS implementing \Magento\Framework\Setup\Patch\PatchInterface to modify the default Value Of elasticsearch\customer\stopwordspath in core.conf ig_data table.


Add stopwords to the stopwordsDirectory parameter of the\Hagento\Elasticsearch\Model\Adapter\Document\DirectoryBuilder ClaSS Via stopwords/it.xml and Adobe Commerce will automatically detect the current module.

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Exam Code: AD0-E722
Exam Name: Adobe Commerce Architect Master
Last Update: Mar 30, 2025
Questions: 50
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