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TOGAF 9 Part 2

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TOGAF 9 Part 2 Questions and Answers

Questions 1


Please read this scenario prior to answering the question

You are serving as the Lead Architect for the Enterprise Architecture team at a multinational company. The company has grown rapidly by acquisition and has inherited numerous supply chain processes and related IT systems. Several supply chain processes have had problems related to the timing of purchases, which has led to excess inventory. The Vice President in charge of Supply Chain Management has made the decision to consolidate and reduce redundant processes and systems. The company will move to a "Just-in-time" supply chain management so as to keep inventory costs low.

The TOGAF standard is followed for internal Enterprise Architecture activities. This project is using an iterative approach for executing the Architecture Development Method (ADM).

At present, there are no architectural assets in the Architecture Repository related to this initiative. All assets will need to be acquired, customized, or created. The company prefers to implement commercial off the shelf package applications with little customization. The CIO, who is the project sponsor, has stated that she is not concerned about preserving the existing supply chain management processes or systems.

The architecture development project has completed Phase A and has started a number of iteration cycles to develop the Architecture. As a packaged application is being considered, the next iteration will include both the Business and Application Architectures. Key stakeholder concerns that should be addressed by these architectures include:

1. What groups of people should be involved in the supply chain management-related business processes?

2. What non-supply chain management applications will need to be integrated with any new supply chain management applications?

3. What data will need to be shared?

Refer to the Scenario

[Note: You may need to refer to the Architectural Artifacts chapter, section 31.6 (located in Part IV) of the reference text in order to answer this question.]

You have been asked to identify the most appropriate catalogs matrices and diagrams to support the next iteration of Architecture development.

Based on the TOGAF standard, which of the following is the best answer?



You would describe the Baseline Business Architecture with a Business Service/function catalog, an Organization/Actor catalog, and a Data Entity/Business Function matrix. You would describe the Baseline Data Architecture using a Data Entity/Data Component catalog. You would describe the Baseline Application Architecture with an Application/Function matrix.


In the next iteration of Architecture development, you would describe the Target Business Architecture with an Organization/Actor catalog, a Business Service/Function catalog, and Data Lifecycle diagrams. You would describe the Target Application Architecture with a Data Entity/Data Component catalog. You would describe the Target Application Architecture with an Application Interaction matrix and Application Communication diagrams.


You would describe the Target Business Architecture with a Business Service/Function catalog, and a Business Interaction matrix. You would describe the Target Data Architecture with a Data Entity/Business Function matrix and an Application/Data matrix. You would describe the Target Application Architecture with Application Communication diagrams and an Application Interaction matrix.


In the next iteration of Architecture development, you would describe the Baseline Business Architecture with a Value Chain diagram, and a Baseline Business Process catalog. You would describe the Baseline Data Architecture with a Data diagram. You would describe the Baseline Application Architecture with an Environments and Locations diagram.

Questions 2


Please read this scenario prior to answering the question

You have been appointed as a consultant to the Chief Enterprise Architect of a multinational pharmaceutical corporation. The corporation includes 30 subsidiary companies with operations in over 60 countries and products sold in over 125 countries. It has major research and development sites in over 45 locations worldwide.

The management team is deeply committed to ensuring that the corporation is a world leader in socially responsible pharmaceutical development with a business strategy that focuses on profitability through environmentally friendly operating processes as well as a commitment to disease eradication.

The operations of the corporation are subject to legal and regulatory requirements for each country where they operate. The production of prescription pharmaceutical products has governmental controls that are strictly enforced and compliance is critical. Recently a competitor was heavily fined for violating the regulations in a country where it was conducting a clinical trial for a new regulated drug.

The Governing Board is concerned about the risks posed in this complex global environment. As a result the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) has appointed a Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) to be responsible for overseeing and managing compliance issues for the corporation. The CCO reports directly to the CEO.

The CCO has approved the expenditure of resources to establish an Enterprise Architecture program. He has requested to be informed about the status of projects that could impact regulatory compliance. He also wants the corporate legal staff and auditors to analyze all proposed architectures to ensure that they are within the legal guidelines for each country. In addition, the research organization should be able to see that the architecture is appropriate for its needs.

TOGAF 9 has been mandated as the framework for the development and evolution of the Enterprise Architecture practice. The Preliminary Phase has been completed to establish the enterprise architecture capability for this project.

Refer to the Scenario

You have been asked to recommend an approach that would enable the development of an architecture that addresses the needs of the Chief Compliance Officer, legal staff, auditors and the research organization.

Based on TOGAF, which of the following is the best answer?



You recommend that a stakeholder map be developed. This will allow the architects to define groups of stakeholders that share common concerns. A set of views should be defined to address the concerns for each group of stakeholders. Architecture models should then be created for each view to address the stakeholders' concerns.


You recommend that each project architecture activity is developed using a consistent modeling approach that is uniform across all architecture projects. Each architecture should be defined based on this fixed set of models so that all concerned parties can examine the models to ensure that their issues and concerns have been addressed.


You recommend that a special report be created for those groups that have sufficient power and level of interest. This report should summarize the key features of the architecture with respect to the particular location. Each of these reports should reflect the stakeholders' requirements.


You recommend that a set of models be created for each project architecture that can be used to ensure that the system will be compliant with the local regulations. Stakeholders should then view the models to verify that their concerns have been properly addressed.

Questions 3

Scenario: Eight Twelve

Eight Twelve has retail outlets throughout North America. An Enterprise Architecture practice already exists in Eight Twelve. Now the CEO and CIO decide that they want to use TOGAF9 to re-architect their Enterprise Architecture to cater to the changing strategies of Eight Twelve to better respond to the changes in the economic and technology environments.

Some of the key issues which need to be addressed in this re-architecting work are:

1. Since Eight Twelve’s retail chain operate 24 hours a day and are expanding to South America and Europe, the retail chain business ecosystem should be able to withstand any unforeseen disruptions which might affect the chain’s day to day operations. This is highly critical to ensure high levels of customer satisfaction and thus maintaining and enhancing Eight Twelve’s revenue chain.

2. Dependency between the application components, which are the nerve centers to Eight Twelve’s sophisticated range of services both external and internal, and the application platform and technology infrastructure should be minimal. This would facilitate scalability and ease of enhancement of the service offerings.

3. Eight Twelve uses the ARTS Data Model and the quality of data is of utmost importance for its operation.

4. Users of the Enterprise Information ecosystem should have an environment which is able to cater to their needs without any undue delays.

Which one of the following set of Architecture Principles do you feel is the most appropriate for these guidelines stated above for the TOGAF 9 architecting work which Eight Twelve is embarking on?



a) Maximize Benefit to the Enterpriseb) Data Trusteec) Service Orientationd) Responsive Change Management


a) Business Continuityb) Data is an Assetc) Data is Sharedd) Requirements Based Change


a) Maximize Benefit to the Enterpriseb) Data is an Assetc) Data is Sharedd) Requirements Based Change


a) Business Continuityb) Data Trusteec) Technology Independenced) Responsive Change Management