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Microsoft Excel Expert (Excel and Excel 2019)

Last Update Feb 18, 2025
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Microsoft Excel Expert (Excel and Excel 2019) Questions and Answers

Questions 1


Exam Environment

Exam Interface and Controls

The exam panel provides access to the project task(s). Each project has an associated file in which you will perform the project tasks.

1. Project file

2. Split bar

3. Exam panel

You can modify the exam interface to fit your needs in the following ways:

  • To increase or decrease the exam panel font size, press Ctrl+Plus or Ctrl+Minus.
  • To change the height of the exam panel, drag the split bar between the project file and the exam panel.
  • To minimize the exam panel, click the Collapse Panel arrow in the upper-left corner of the exam panel. The minimized exam panel displays the Expand Panel button, the project number and name, the remaining time, and the Restart Project and Submit Project buttons. To move between tasks, you must expand the exam panel.
  • To restore the interface to the default appearance, click the Restore button near the upper-right corner of the exam panel.

4. The Information bar at the top of the exam panel displays the current project and total number of projects, the remaining exam time, and the following commands:

  • Collapse Panel. Minimizes the exam panel to provide more space for the project file.
  • Restart Project. Closes and reopens the current project file without saving your changes.
  • Submit Project. Saves your changes, submits the project file, and moves to the next project.
  • Calculator. A calculator is available in some exams. You are not required to use the calculator.
  • Restore. Restores the size and position of the project file and exam panel to the defaults.
  • Help. Displays information about the exam interface.

5. The Content area displays the task tabs and the current task description.

6. The Navigation area at the bottom of the exam panel contains the following commands.

  • Previous Task/Next Task. Saves your response and moves to the previous or next task in the current project.
  • Leave feedback after exam. Flags the task to indicate that you want to leave feedback about it after the exam.
  • Mark for review. Flags the task to indicate that you want to return to it before you finish the exam.
  • Mark as complete. Flags the task to indicate that you feel you have completed the task.

In projects that contain multiple tasks, you can switch between tasks by clicking the task tab, Next Task button, or Previous Task button.

End of the instructions.

On the “Popular Videos” worksheet, for cells B4:C17, create a conditional formatting rule that displays the five lowest values in bold Dark Red font.


Questions 2


Exam Environment

Exam Interface and Controls

The exam panel provides access to the project task(s). Each project has an associated file in which you will perform the project tasks.

1. Project file

2. Split bar

3. Exam panel

You can modify the exam interface to fit your needs in the following ways:

  • To increase or decrease the exam panel font size, press Ctrl+Plus or Ctrl+Minus.
  • To change the height of the exam panel, drag the split bar between the project file and the exam panel.
  • To minimize the exam panel, click the Collapse Panel arrow in the upper-left corner of the exam panel. The minimized exam panel displays the Expand Panel button, the project number and name, the remaining time, and the Restart Project and Submit Project buttons. To move between tasks, you must expand the exam panel.
  • To restore the interface to the default appearance, click the Restore button near the upper-right corner of the exam panel.

4. The Information bar at the top of the exam panel displays the current project and total number of projects, the remaining exam time, and the following commands:

  • Collapse Panel. Minimizes the exam panel to provide more space for the project file.
  • Restart Project. Closes and reopens the current project file without saving your changes.
  • Submit Project. Saves your changes, submits the project file, and moves to the next project.
  • Calculator. A calculator is available in some exams. You are not required to use the calculator.
  • Restore. Restores the size and position of the project file and exam panel to the defaults.
  • Help. Displays information about the exam interface.

5. The Content area displays the task tabs and the current task description.

6. The Navigation area at the bottom of the exam panel contains the following commands.

  • Previous Task/Next Task. Saves your response and moves to the previous or next task in the current project.
  • Leave feedback after exam. Flags the task to indicate that you want to leave feedback about it after the exam.
  • Mark for review. Flags the task to indicate that you want to return to it before you finish the exam.
  • Mark as complete. Flags the task to indicate that you feel you have completed the task.

In projects that contain multiple tasks, you can switch between tasks by clicking the task tab, Next Task button, or Previous Task button.

End of the instructions.

On the “Plan Analysis” worksheet, modify the PivotTable to group the data by the values in the “Full Package Price” column. Group the values in steps of 100 beginning at 0 and ending at 200.


Questions 3


Exam Environment

Exam Interface and Controls

The exam panel provides access to the project task(s). Each project has an associated file in which you will perform the project tasks.

1. Project file

2. Split bar

3. Exam panel

You can modify the exam interface to fit your needs in the following ways:

  • To increase or decrease the exam panel font size, press Ctrl+Plus or Ctrl+Minus.
  • To change the height of the exam panel, drag the split bar between the project file and the exam panel.
  • To minimize the exam panel, click the Collapse Panel arrow in the upper-left corner of the exam panel. The minimized exam panel displays the Expand Panel button, the project number and name, the remaining time, and the Restart Project and Submit Project buttons. To move between tasks, you must expand the exam panel.
  • To restore the interface to the default appearance, click the Restore button near the upper-right corner of the exam panel.

4. The Information bar at the top of the exam panel displays the current project and total number of projects, the remaining exam time, and the following commands:

  • Collapse Panel. Minimizes the exam panel to provide more space for the project file.
  • Restart Project. Closes and reopens the current project file without saving your changes.
  • Submit Project. Saves your changes, submits the project file, and moves to the next project.
  • Calculator. A calculator is available in some exams. You are not required to use the calculator.
  • Restore. Restores the size and position of the project file and exam panel to the defaults.
  • Help. Displays information about the exam interface.

5. The Content area displays the task tabs and the current task description.

6. The Navigation area at the bottom of the exam panel contains the following commands.

  • Previous Task/Next Task. Saves your response and moves to the previous or next task in the current project.
  • Leave feedback after exam. Flags the task to indicate that you want to leave feedback about it after the exam.
  • Mark for review. Flags the task to indicate that you want to return to it before you finish the exam.
  • Mark as complete. Flags the task to indicate that you feel you have completed the task.

In projects that contain multiple tasks, you can switch between tasks by clicking the task tab, Next Task button, or Previous Task button.

End of the instructions.

You are creating a product workbook for Tailspin Toys.

On the “Inventory” worksheet, use an Excel feature to remove the duplicate records from the “Products” cell range.
