Which of the following statements are correct?
I. A reliance upon conditional probabilities and a-priori views of probabilities is called the 'frequentist' view
II. Knightian uncertainty refers to things that might happen but for which probabilities cannot be evaluated
III. Risk mitigation and risk elimination are approaches to reacting to identified risks
IV. Confidence accounting is a reference to the accounting frauds that were seen in the past decade as a reflection of failed governance processes
There are two bonds in a portfolio, each with a market value of $50m. The probability of default of the two bonds are 0.03 and 0.08 respectively, over a one year horizon. If the probability of the two bonds defaulting simultaneously is 1.4%, what is the default correlation between the two?
Which of the following statements is true:
I. Confidence levels for economic capital calculations are driven by desired credit ratings
II. Loss distributions for operational risk are affected more by the severity distribution than the frequency distribution
III. The Advanced Measurement Approach (AMA) referred to in the Basel II standard is a type of a Loss Distribution Approach (LDA)
IV. The loss distribution for operational risk under the LDA (Loss Distribution Approach) is estimated by separately estimating the frequency and severity distributions.
In respect of operational risk capital calculations, the Basel II accord recommends a confidence level and time horizon of:
Which of the following represents a riskier exposure for a bank: A LIBOR based loan, or an Overnight Indexed Swap? Which of the two rates is expected to be higher?
Assume the same counterparty and the same notional.
For a bank using the advanced measurement approach to measuring operational risk, which of the following brings the greatest 'model risk' to its estimates:
The probability of default of a security over a 1 year period is 3%. What is the probability that it would not have defaulted at the end of four years from now?
If the annual variance for a portfolio is 0.0256, what is the daily volatility assuming there are 250 days in a year.
A loan portfolio's full notional value is $100, and its value in a worst case scenario at the 99% level of confidence is $65. Expected losses on the portfolio are estimated at 10%. What is the level of economic capital required to cushion unexpected losses?