The framework that helps to define a minimum standard of protection that business stakeholders must attempt to achieve is referred to as a standard of:
In accordance with best practices and international standards, how often is security awareness training provided to employees of an organization?
The remediation of a specific audit finding is deemed too expensive and will not be implemented. Which of the following is a TRUE statement?
A company wants to fill a Chief Information Security Officer position in the organization. They need to define and implement a more holistic security program. Which of the following qualifications and experience would be MOST desirable to find in a candidate?
The purpose of NIST SP 800-53 as part of the NIST System Certification and Accreditation Project is to establish a set of standardized, minimum security controls for IT systems addressing low, moderate, and high levels of concern for
Which of the following is MOST important when dealing with an Information Security Steering committee:
Which of the following has the GREATEST impact on the implementation of an information security governance model?
In which of the following cases, would an organization be more prone to risk acceptance vs. risk mitigation?
If your organization operates under a model of "assumption of breach", you should:
You have implemented a new security control. Which of the following risk strategy options have you engaged in?