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AS 65540 routers are iBGP fully-meshed. Assume routers R4, R5 and R6 are configured with addpaths ipv4 send 2 receive". Which routes to is router R6 expected to have in its BGP routing table?
An Alcatel-Lucent 7750 SR receives two updates for the same route with local preferences 200 and 300, respectively. What local preference is sent to eBGP peers?
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Assume all router-IDs are properly configured, and global IPv6 addresses are used to establish eBGP sessions. Which of the following configurations is required on router A so that router B can exchange traffic with router D?
An Alcatel-Lucent 7750 SR is configured with a policy to export directly-connected networks to BGP. Which of the following commands verifies that the export was successful?