One needs to run “Scan Server Configuration” tool to allow a remote connection to Nessus from the remote Nessus clients. This tool allows the port and bound interface of the Nessus daemon to be configured.
By default, the Nessus daemon listens to connections on which one of the following?
What are placeholders (or markers) in an HTML document that the web server will dynamically replace with data just before sending the requested documents to a browser?
A penetration test will show you the vulnerabilities in the target system and the risks associated with it. An educated valuation of the risk will be performed so that the vulnerabilities can be reported as High/Medium/Low risk issues.
What are the two types of ‘white-box’ penetration testing?
Which one of the following log analysis tools is used for analyzing the server’s log files?
Logs are the record of the system and network activities. Syslog protocol is used for delivering log information across an IP network. Syslog messages can be sent via which one of the following?
In the TCP/IP model, the transport layer is responsible for reliability and flow control from source to the destination. TCP provides the mechanism for flow control by allowing the sending and receiving hosts to communicate.
A flow control mechanism avoids the problem with a transmitting host overflowing the buffers in the receiving host.
A framework is a fundamental structure used to support and resolve complex issues. The framework that delivers an efficient set of technologies in order to develop applications which are more secure in using Internet and Intranet is: