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Automated trading systems for interbank spot FX display the best prices entered into the systems by users and:
Display the names of those users along their prices
Offer pre-trade anonymity to users quoting prices
Offer pre and post-trade anonymity to users quoting prices
Offer users the choice of whether to remain anonymous
What is an FX swap?
An exchange ot two streams of interest payments in different currencies and an exchange of the principal amounts of those currencies at maturity
A spot sale (purchase) and a forward purchase (sale) of two currencies agreed simultaneously between two parties
An exchange of currencies on a date beyond spot and at a price fixed today
None of the above
If 6-month USD/CAD forward rates are quoted at 40/45, which of the following statements is correct?
USD rates are higher than CAD rates in the 6-month
CAD rates are higher than USD rates in the 6-month
There is a positive USD yield curve
There is not enough information to decide
With reference to dealing periods, what does the term “short dates” refer to?
overnight, tom-next and spot-next
maturities up to one week
maturity dates of less than one month
maturity dates of less than 10 days
TESTED 21 Jan 2025