By default, what type of rules in the Access Control rulebase allow the control connections?
Which Check Point process provides logging services, such as forwarding logs from Gateway to Log Server, providing Log Export API (LEA) & Event Logging API (EL-A) services.
What could NOT be a reason for synchronization issues in a Management HA environment?
What is required for a site-to-site VPN tunnel that does not use certificates?
In order for changes made to policy to be enforced by a Security Gateway, what action must an administrator perform?
In R81.20 a new feature dynamic log distribution was added. What is this for?
Using Web Services to access the API, which Header Name-Value had to be in the HTTP Post request after the login?
Choose the correct syntax to add a new host named “emailserver1” with IP address using GAiA Management CLI?
What state is the Management HA in when both members have different policies/databases?
Which utility allows you to configure the DHCP service on Gaia from the command line?
What are types of Check Point APIs available currently as part of R81.20 code?