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Which of the following is NOT a Glow type with the Optical FX attribute?
Which of the following is the button for displaying the Safe Action in Maya?
Option A
option B
Option C
Option D
The ViewCube is an on-screen 3D navigation element that does which of the following?
Creates a multicamera rig to navigate through your scene
Provides feedback about stereo cameras and performs calculations to produce anaglyph images
Enables you to quickly and easily switch between views.
Provides feedback about the current camera view in relation to the 3D scene
Both C and D
What is the purpose of clipping planes in cameras?
Special effects attributes such as 'Barn Doors' for the rendering camera
Clipping planes are essentially the boundaries of the camera determining which objects will be rendered and which won't be rendered.
They define the point at which the shutter closes within the frame interval.
They determine the Depth of Field focal point.
TESTED 15 Jan 2025