in the architecture of software-defined security Which of the following feature descriptions is correct?
By default, two subnets of the same VPC network deployed in different physical resource pools cannot access each other.
Due to the presence of a large number of decoys in the network Attackers will be caught up in an online world where the real is indistinguishable. Attackers often need to spend a lot of time to distinguish the authenticity of information, thereby delaying the attacker's network attack, giving defenders more response time, and reducing the possibility of attackers attacking real systems.
Which of the following situational aware detection attacks can DDOS attacks, firewall bypasses, and malware outreach attacks know? (multiple selection).
Categorize vulnerabilities by common ways Which of the following types of vulnerabilities should XSS fall into? (single selection).
Control of ping packets to the USG firewall itself The access control management function of the interface takes precedence over the security policy.
If it is in the intrusion prevention configuration file Signatures, signature filters, and exception signatures are used at the same time When there is a configuration to the configuration file The following is about the order of matching Which option is correct? (single selection).
Which of the following options does not reflect the advanced characteristics of APT attacks? (single selection).
With the continuous development of network technology The firewall is also completing its own upgrade The technology evolution that firewalls have undergone includes which of the following options
DNS Request Flood for DNS authoritative servers If TC source authentication is used The client device does not support using TCP to send DNS requests, how to verify the identity of the client? (single selection).